From Decimas to Spoken Word

Co-presented by AfroMundo & 516 ARTS 516 ARTS and AfroMundo collective present From Decimas to Spoken Word, a literary event in the gallery during the exhibition Artists as Knowledge Carriers. It features poet, literary critic, and UNM Professor Dr. Eleuterio Santiago Díaz, who will discuss decimas, a popular form of verse found throughout the Americas traditionally employed in service of social causes. He will focus on works of the famed Santa Cruz family, who use decimas to draw attention to the plight of Afro-Peruvians. Brazilian poets Mel Adún and Guellwaar Adún will read original works that intergenerationally bridge Spanish, Portuguese, and English language spoken word traditions. They will be joined with three local youth poets: Monica Aguilar, J. Gourdin, and Leandro Pita. From Decimas to Spoken Word, co-organized by author Maritza Pérez, was in conjunction with AfroMundo Festival: Resistance & Creativity, made possible by Bernalillo County, New Mexico Humanities Council, National Endowment for the Humanities, McCune Charitable Foundation, W. K. Kellogg Foundation and the City of Albuquerque, among others. For more information about the festival, visit

See the photo album here