Cautionary Tales: A Visual Dystopia
September 6, 2008 – October 18, 2008
September 6 – October 18, 2008
In an epoch in which our global community seems to be rapidly disintegrating politically, economically and most alarmingly, environmentally, this exhibit presented work by artists whose images reflect a world going/gone awry. This is a place where much is not well through misuse/abuse of the environment, where because of the failure of society as a whole to properly take care of itself and the world it exists in, we may actually be near the end of the world as we have always known it. These artists have a common theme of alarm and dismay, while at the same time finding haunting beauty and powerful personal expression in their words of caution to us all. Featured artists include Roger Ballen, Jeff Gibson, Robert Hirsch, Rhiannon Mercer, Lori Nix, David Ondrik, Robert Sullkin, Emily Trovillion, Laurie Tumer, Erika Wanenmacher, William Wilson and Cathy Wysocki. Curated by Holly Roberts.
Sara Dick, “Desolate imagery focus of exhibit” Daily Lobo
David Leigh, “Light Always Goes Out” Ailbi