Alchemy: Collage & Assemblage

April 12, 2008 – May 31, 2008


April 12–May 31, 2008


Alchemy celebrated the mediums of collage, photomontage and assemblage, featuring artists from around the country. The exhibition looked at the historic development of these mediums and showcases contemporary artists who work with cutting, gluing and assembling disparate and often appropriated images and objects to create something entirely new and original. A process akin to alchemy unifies the elements these artists mix together. Alchemy was curated by Suzanne Sbarge. Featured artists included: Ann Dunbar (Albuquerque, New Mexico), Tony Fitzpatrick (Chicago, Illinois), Ingrid Freidenbergs (Lakeville, Connecticut), Gonzalo Fuenmayor (Miami, Florida), Andrew Ginzel (New York, New York), Bebe Krimmer (Santa Fe, New Mexico), Michael Pajon (Chicago Illinois), Holly Roberts (Corrales, New Mexico), Brooke Steiger (Albuquerque, New Mexico), Leonard Stokes (Pleasantville, New York), Maritta Tapanainen (Los Angeles, California), Andrea Volkoff-Senutovitch (Santa Fe, New Mexico) and Miriam Wosk (Los Angeles, California).


“Collage is a mode of perception, a multi-dimensional language with aesthetic implications that span the histories of art, architecture, literature and music… The basic principle of juxtaposition forms the foundation for an art of limitless associative possibilities. Collage allows the artist to explore simultaneously the mysterious spaces between high art and popular culture, text and image, figuration and abstraction, past and present, two and three-dimensional space.” — Pavel Zoubok