Chicana Badgirls: Las Hociconas

January 17, 2009 – March 21, 2009


January 17–March 21, 2009


Chicana Badgirls: Las Hociconas is part of a series of 516 ARTS programs focusing on activism and feminism. This exhibition brings together the multimedia work of 18 women artists whose work continues to challenge the inequities of male-centered sexist hierarchies. In photography, painting, drawing, performance art, installation, sculpture, untraditional craft forms, graffiti/stenciling, and paper and fabric fashion designs, the work of these artists talks back to unjust power in visionary and necessary acts of courage aimed at greater social justice. Drawing its subtitle Las Hociconas from the Spanish word for large or loud-mouthed (from the word hocico, animal snout), this exhibition proudly situates itself within the long struggle of Chicana and Latina feminist struggles against sexism. It features the work of three generations of artists from New Mexico, Texas and California. Co-Curators Delilah Montoya and Laura E. Pérez say, “We hope this project will strengthen and cross-fertilize Chicana Latina feminist art across state lines.” One of the inspirations for the exhibition is Pérez’s recent book Chicana Art: The Politics of Spiritual and Aesthetic Altarities (Duke University Press 2007).


Featured artists: Elia Arce, Nao Bustamante, Marie Romero Cash, Diane Gamboa, Maya Gonzalez, Tina Hernández, Elisa Jiménez, Alma López, Pola López, Amalia Mesa-Bains, Delilah Montoya, Celia Alvarez Muñoz, Cecilia Portal, Anita Rodríguez, Isis Rodríguez, Maye Torres, Consuelo Jiménez Underwood and Rosa Zamora.



Erin Adair-Hodges, “Loud and Proud” Alibi