Desierto Mountain Time – Border Communities: Art Organizing in the Zone

Live from the Rubin Center for the Visual Arts at UTEP! What does it mean to work with artists and communities in a highly contested and militarized border zone? This conversation highlights the work of organizers and artists who are forging new ways of creating fluidity and exchange across the border. Christian Diego Diego will talk about Border: Narratives and Cartographies of Migration (showing at Museo de Arte Ciudad Juárez), a collective art project developed by a group of migrant asylum seekers who use embroidery (a relative of the world “border”) to illustrate and document their journeys. Poet Gris Muñoz (The Fund for the Ethical Practices Transborder Art) will discuss their project titled “Geotestimonix” – an interactive mapping cartography project….literary workshops with women from the community to bring about stories of living on the border and creating a cartography based on that. Moderator León De la Rosa Carrillo will talk about The Fund for Ethical Practices of Transborder Art, which emerged from Rafael Lozano-Hemmer’s Border Tuner project to give voice and visibility to transborder art emerging from Ciudad Juárez and El Paso. Gabriela Muñoz will speak about Mujeres Nourishing Fronterix Bodies: Resistance in the Time of Covid-19, about two collectives on either side of the US/Mexico border highlighting the female experience in the borderlands (showing at MOCA Tucson).