Done and Undone: New Works by Larry Bob Phillips

June 22, 2024 – September 28, 2024


Opening Reception: Saturday, June 22, 2024 | 6-8pm


516 ARTS presents Done and Undone: New Works by Larry Bob Phillips, a solo exhibition featuring new works from the New Mexico-based painter, muralist, and illustrator. Through visual strategies implementing comic, tattoo, op art, and other contemporary graphic stylings, Larry Bob Phillips generates work that creates spiritual links between New Mexican landscapes; the human mind, body, and psyche; and the universe at large—resulting in a novel aesthetic that is distinctly his. Larry Bob’s psychedelic renderings teeter between tangible nature and cosmic abstraction, and with projects like The Fracking of Sandoval County, can venture into pointed commentary. His identifiable style is recognizable across Albuquerque and beyond, with numerous murals throughout the Southwest. Done and Undone will showcase new work created for the exhibition.