Many Worlds Are Born Artist Talk – Joanna Keane Lopez
Joanna Keane Lopez is a multidisciplinary artist whose work blurs the boundaries between contemporary sculpture and architecture through the medium of adobe mud. By working with materials of adobe architecture, earthen plaster and alíz (a clay slip paint) her work acts to address conceptions of sculpture in engagement with land. Through the passing down of knowledge of the vernacular architecture techniques of the greater Southwest, Joanna creates work that seeks healing and reparation of fragmentation towards land, home, family and community that is connected to her own multi-generational roots in New Mexico. “Lópezville, Socorro” is a manta de techo, the dried stems of a chaparral or creosote bush, and at least four generations of remnants—glass bits, barbed wire, and old cans—evidence of past generations of Lopez family members who made their lives on the same sprawling plot of land.