Second Site

August 1, 2009 – September 19, 2009


August 1–September 19, 2009


An exhibition and reference site for LAND/ART, included related art works and information for many of the site-specific projects by artists including Anne Cooper, Bill Gilbert, Steve Peters, Jaune Quick-To-See Smith and Neal Ambrose Smith, the Center for Land Use Interpretation, Patrick Dougherty, Basia Irland, Nina Dubois, Jeanette Hart-Mann and Robert Wilson as well as the model for the final selected piece for the City of Albuquerque’s major land-based public art project launched for LAND/ART. Works included SiteWorks artist Anne Cooper’s documentation of the process of creating Anitya, from harvesting of the clay to the dissolution of the bowls and the growth cycles of the crops, and Nina DuBois and Jeanette Hart-Mann’s photographic installation relating to the a passive-solar composting laboratory being created on the UNM campus.