Worlds Outside This One
June 4, 2011 – August 27, 2011
June 4 – August 27, 2011
Concurrently with Across the Great Divide, 516 ARTS will host a related exhibition in the downstairs gallery organized by guest curator Erin Elder titled Worlds Outside This One, featuring a group of emerging international artists and innovators responding to the legacy of homesteading, squatting, hermitage and fort building. The exhibition addresses the urge for momentary acts of self-determination, creating hand-hewn spaces in the gallery and interactive experiences for visitors, as well as showcasing blueprints, shelters, journals and maps. Looking to those who create ad-hoc communities and makeshift structures through art practice as well as daily life, this exhibition illuminates the productive tension between Do-It- Yourself autonomy and shared notions of Utopia. Many of the featured artists in Worlds Outside This One are also architects, philosophers, entrepreneurs, urban planners, economists and community builders, including the following 17 individuals and collectives from around the globe.
Participating artists include:
Justin Bagley (Albuquerque, NM), Amy Balkin (San Francisco, CA), Michelle Blade (Oakland, CA), Building a Nation (collective – Columbia, Phillipines, Norway), Siraj Izhar (London, England), Jed Lind (Los Angeles, CA), Elysa Lozano for Autonomous Organization (New York), Mary Mattingly (New York), Travis Meinolf (Berlin, Germany), Meow Wolf (collective – Santa Fe, NM), Jay Nelson (San Francisco, CA), N55 (Denmark), Mia Nussbaum (Colorado Springs, CO), David Ondrik (Albuquerque, NM), Stephanie Smith (Joshua Tree, CA), Swimming Cities (collective – New York), David Wilson (Oakland, CA)